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Det ledelsen blandt andet sætter fokus på er integration, at integrere sig i andres kultur og traditioner, forstået således at hver af eleverne har ret til at bevare deres sprog, kultur og religion, og at andre elever og lærere må respektere dette.

AHI International School

Skolens formål er baseret på, at give eleverne en grunduddannelse svarende til den danske folkeskole, men samtidig hermed give dem mulighed for at bevare deres baggrund.

Skolen lægger stor vægt pa forældresamarbejde, således at forældrene ikke kun kontaktes hvis der opstår problemer, men at der er en løbende og gensidig kontakt skoleåret igennem. Vi forventer at forældrene er indstillet på et samarbejde, og at de bakker op med hensyn til deres børns skolegang. Det er blevet bevist, at gode resultater opnås ved tæt samarbejde mellem forældrene og skolen. Der er ca. 181 elever og 15 lærere pa skolen, og vi har derfor et grundigt kendskab og tæt kontakt til de enkelte elever og dennes familie.

At dansk varetages af lærere der har dansk som hovedfag og modersmål varetages af tyrkiske, arabiske og somaliske lærere.

AHI International School is an experienced free school which has existed since 1988. The school consists of a management and a governing body. The school works at its best due to the good relationship between pupils and teachers.

Among the things the management focuses on is integration; i.e. to integrate oneself into other people´s cultures and traditions - hereby understand that each of the pupils have the right to preserve their language, culture and religion which other pupils and teachers must respect.

The purpose of the school is based on giving pupils the basic education corresponding to the Danish Folkeskole and thus providing them with the possibility of maintaining their backgrounds.

The school places great emphasis upon the co-operation between parents and teachers. This means that parents are not only contacted in case of problems, but they are also contacted as a part of an ongoing and mutual working relationship which continues throughout the school year. We expect parents to be prepared for co-operation and be supportive about their children´s schooling. It has been proven that good results can be achieved through close co-operation between parents and school. There are approximately 181 pupils and 15 teachers at the school and we therefore have a profound knowledge of and close contact with every single pupil and his/her family.

Danish is managed by Danish teachers and the educational language is Danish while the children´s native language is managed by Turkish, Arabic or Somali teachers.

AHI International School fejrer 25 års jubilæum
AHI International School fejrer 25 års jubilæum
1988 - 2013

Copyright © AHI International School
Klingseyvej 8B, DK-2720 Vanlose | Tlf. #: (+45) 38 74 02 05 | Fax #: (+45) 38 74 19 05