Folkeskolen Graduation Exam

Because every child deserves to shine

The students of AHI have always marked their presence wherever they go.
They have been reaching heights of success since 1988.

Forging a brighter future

AHI International School has the right to hold graduations. Thus we offer our students: Folkeskolen Graduation Exam (FSA).

By the end of 9th grade, students can in each of the subjects

  • Dansih
  • Mathematics
  • English
  • German
  • Physics/Chemistry
  • Social Studies
  • Biology and
  • Geography

register for the Folkeskolen (Public School) Graduation Exam (FSA).

Recipe for success:
Study while others are sleeping;
work while others are loafing;
prepare while others are playing;
and dream while others are wishing.

William Arthur Ward


Sky is the limit

Being the best we can.

Just as the sky seems never-ending and infinite, the possibilities are endless and there is no limit to personal potential.

Welcome to AHI International School.
