Students' UMV
Physical framework and the way we adapt ourselves

Elevernes Undervisnings-miljøvurdering
A teaching environment assessment, UMV, is an assessment of the school or place of education, where the pupils 'or students' perception of the teaching environment is included.
The Teaching Environment Act states that all schools and educational establishments must prepare a written teaching environment assessment, UMV, at least every three years. The teaching environment assessment must be made in order to ensure a good teaching environment that is sound in terms of health and safety.
At AHI International School, we have chosen to use the Thermometer. The thermometer is developed and operated by the Danish Center for Educational Environment, DCUM, which makes the tool available free of charge to schools, educational institutions and municipal administrations. The thermometer for primary and lower secondary school is aimed at primary and lower secondary schools, independent and private schools, after-school centers, special schools, after-school programs and municipalities. The thermometer is available in similar versions for day care, youth education and adult and higher education.
Teaching environment assessment, UMV, is prepared every 3 years. The latest survey is from 2023/2024.
About the Thermometer
The Danish Working Environment Authority (Arbejdstilsynet) works for a healthy and safe working environment at companies in Denmark. This is done, among other things, by the Danish Working Environment Authority supervising the companies and disseminating work environment professional knowledge.
The thermometer is a free and flexible questionnaire and benchmarking system that examines the teaching environment in schools and educational institutions. The thermometer deals with both the physical, the aesthetic and the mental aspects of the teaching environment – seen through the eyes of the students.
Through students’ answering questionnaires, we get a picture of the strengths and challenges of our teaching environment. This gives us a good starting point for working purposefully to create the best possible teaching environment that supports well-being, learning, health and safety, for example in connection with the statutory teaching environment assessment, UMV.