School Statutes

Development to free, independent people.

Clause Rules

School Statutes

The school statutes stipulate that the board is responsible for the overall management of the school, while the day-to-day management is handled by the head of the school, who has the pedagogical responsibility.

The requirements for the content and design of the statutes are regulated in the executive order on statutes for independent schools and private primary schools.

The statutes must, among other things, account for the following:

  • Name, place and purpose of the school
  • Composition and size of the board
  • Board Conflicts
  • The key board tasks and competencies
  • Responsibilities of the Board of Governors
  • Placement of school funds
  • Rules on accounting and auditing
  • Rules for school closure and termination.

A statute or an amendment to the statute may enter into force at the earliest upon publication on the school’s website.

Source: Ministry of Children and Education

Physical framework that contributes
to well-being and communion

Inspiring and motivating to stay at the school where the physical environment supports variation and movement and contributes to well-being and communion.